Friday, December 21, 2012

Florida School Boards Group to Help Polk Find Superintendent; National Candidates Sought

Published: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at 4:59 a.m.
Last Modified: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at 4:59 a.m.

BARTOW | The Florida School Boards Association was selected Tuesday to help the Polk County School Board find its next superintendent.

There were reservations, however, from some School Board members.

Hunt Berryman and Lori Cunningham expressed concerns about the Tallahassee-based nonprofit organization's ability to attract national candidates.

Cunningham said she doesn't want FSBA to give them a top five list with only one national candidate.

McPherson & Jacobson of Nebraska and Ray and Associates Inc. of Iowa also submitted bids. Estimated fees for the FSBA are $15,000; McPherson bid $34,900 and Ray and Associates bid $50,000. Ray and Associates Inc. helped the state Board of Education in its search for a new education commissioner. Tony Bennett was named last week to the position.

The School Board will use money in the district's contingency fund to pay for the service.

FSBA Executive Director Wayne Blanton said his organization is currently in the middle of a superintendent search for Manatee County. He outlined the services his organization would provide, including personally interviewing the top candidates to properly vet them.

"Paying the most doesn't guarantee you the best job," he told board members. "We're a professional organization that services all school boards in Florida."

Blanton said he already has four or five candidates who have expressed interest in Polk and there are a lot of deputy superintendents in Florida who are ready to be superintendents.

"A successful process is going to take six months," Blanton said. "If the board decides shorter or longer, we can do that."

However, the first step would be to advertise the position and make the application available online, Blanton said. Because of Florida public records laws, most candidates will wait until the last minute to submit their applications, he said.

Before choosing the FSBA, School Board members weighed the pros and cons of the three search firms.

Berryman said he was impressed with how Ray & Associates had 50 candidates in its profile list for superintendent searches.

"They have got the connections to bring the top candidates to us," Berryman said.

School Board member Debra Wright said she wanted to stay away from Ray because of the controversy surrounding the selection of Bennett.

Bennett had recently lost his re-election bid in Indi-ana.

Board Chairwoman Hazel Sellers said she checked the references of McPherson and Ray & Associates and didn't get good feedback.

"Many districts were pleased with FSBA. FSBA is stronger for me because I've gotten stronger recommendations," Sellers said.

After the selection of the search firm, board members agreed not to rush the process.

"I think every time we take off in a hurry, it comes back to bite us," said board member Dick Mullenax. "We've got several issues to resolve before we have a new super-intendent."

Sellers said interim Superintendent John Stewart indicated he would stay through December 2013 to give the board more time.

School Board members will take action on a contract with the FSBA sometime in January.

Berryman recommended the board meet with Blanton to discuss the terms of the search before the approval of the contract.

"This is the most important decision we will make and we've got to make sure we have the best firm that will make the right connections and will find the best candidate," he said.

[ Merissa Green can be contacted at or 863-802-7547. ]


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