Monday, July 23, 2012

Stay At Home Mom Schedule: What It Can Do For You ...

It can be chaotic trying to exist as a Stay At Home Mom. Toddlers crying, half-digested food on the furniture, clothes on the floor, toys scattered almost everywhere.? Occasionally you find food in your shoes and wonder how long it has been there, sometimes by chance?you find last night?s dinner in in Thomas the Tank Engine?s tunnel.

Even the most house-proud woman is turned into a mess once she has kids. Life before children can never be compared to life with children. Once you have children there are some days when everything gets too difficult. We all know what it is like, you run out of energy as a Stay At Home Mom but your kids keep going. Your toddler is aggravating the cat, the baby is suffering reflux, the dog is chewing Dora the Explorer and in the midst of it all you reach out for a saucepan lid forgetting it is hot and burn your fingers. The baby usually gets the attention first and you hardly?notice your own injury, until you can actually stop for 10 seconds and then you?re in agony.

If you feel like?chaos rules your house, it may have come to the time to change this and get?organized. A Stay At Home Mom schedule is ready and waiting.

Instead of continually?trying to salvage the situation after the event, you may like to try getting ahead?by avoiding the problems before they occur. When you are so busy you don?t get time to fix each and every disaster it doesn?t feel possible to change the outcome. You lose control in your house and stress sets in. You absolutely?need a Stay At Home Mom schedule.

You?ve figured out how to be a stay at home mom, but now you think you?ve left it too late for a schedule. If you think you?ve left it too late to set up a schedule think again. Your family may not be used to a schedule but it is never too late to set up?one. Your toddler will actually enjoy your schedule due to the multitude?of activities. Once you do it you?ll never look back.

Make your life a whole lot easier?and set up a Stay At Home Mom schedule without delay. You?ll be happy?you did.


mike leach mike leach billy graham scion fr s elf on a shelf elf on a shelf carrier iq

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